I am a social justice facilitator.


I have over 20 years of expertise and experience
in fostering community connections,
addressing power dynamics and privilege,
and engaging in liberation efforts.


Accountability in Action for White Women


A two day training coming up on Nov 3rd & 4th. Register here.

Join a community of white women committed to racial justice.

Live Workshops

Two-day interactive workshops with lively discussions and deep insights.

Next live workshop is Nov 3-4, 2022!

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Online Course

For the first time, I'm offering my workshop online for you to take on your own schedule.

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The sessions in Power With, Not Power Over for White Women practicing allyship made a large impact in eye-opening and safe, thoughtful communication.

- Training participant

Fleur and her workshops have prepared me as a white woman with the language, tools, community and accountability I have needed to do the hard work of standing with my colleagues of color, and standing up to my white counterparts.

- Training participant

Accountability in Action for White Folks

Are you white and grappling with what racial equity work looks like for you?

Are you afraid to say the wrong thing? Or unsure of when to speak up and listen?

Are you looking for support around anti-racist allyship? And wanting to be accountable while leveraging your power and privilege?

If this resonates with you, let’s work together and grow toward accountability, awareness and action.

Schedule A Call

When we work together, we create the space for people and organizations to meaningfully engage with issues of equity to increase our impact, improve client services, and live our values.

Meet Fleur

I am a Seattle-based facilitator and seasoned consultant in the nonprofit sector with a background in education and counseling. My 20 years of experience have given me a perspective on what is needed to move our sector from a cycle of putting out fires to a movement based on lasting equity and empowerment. In my commitment as a social justice facilitator, I bring strong skills and experience in community-building, power and privilege, and liberation work.


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image of Fleur Larsen

Upcoming Offerings

New Cohort & Workshops!

By popular demand, we'll launch our next cohort in April 2025! Register below to join. If April is too far away, we've set up THREE free workshops.

Learn More

What Are Others Saying

“The opportunity to practice "being" differently. Meaning, the training had lots of great theory and I left with many concrete things to go do and ways to show up in the rest of my life. AND getting to actually practice that and feel it in that space (for example, through the exercise about sharing about money) unlocked something for me. Everyone I talked to seemed to be having a similarly profound experience. I have already noticed that I'm finding it easier and easier, just one week later, do show up differently in my equity work. So, going beyond theory and how to apply it, and actually practicing applying it in the training was incredible.” - Former Client
“Wow. You are a fantastic facilitator. I learned so much from how you taught and facilitated this workshop. I was deeply engaged the entire time, and I felt like you were reading the room so well regarding pace, topics that needed a deep dive, etc. Thank you for naming the dynamics at play in the room when you saw them--it demonstrated to me how I can do the same, and at the same time made the room feel like such an honest space.” - Workshop Participant

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Fleur and her workshops have prepared me as a white woman with the language, tools, community and accountability I have needed to do the hard work of standing with my colleagues of color, and standing up to my white counterparts.

- Training participant